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Anna Frank (VI. Il silenzio)

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Uploaded by: Luca_Massaglia (04/30/14)
Composer: Ferrari, Carlotta
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Luca Massaglia ( plays "Il silenzio" (Corale) (no. 6, last piece from "Anna Frank" - Poema sinfonico per organo) by Carlotta Ferrari (b. 1975).

Carlotta Ferrari (b. 1975) is an Italian composer, organist, singer, and musical therapist. Educated at the "Giuseppe Verdi" Conservatory in Milano, she has composed in many genres. Notable works include the cantata "Giorno d'ira" (2008), written in memory of the victims of terrorism and performed in Como under the auspices of the President of Italy. Her "Suite da sala su temi di opere verdiane" ("Operatic Suite on Verdi's melodies") has been performed around the world by the Bruno-Valcepina (Giuseppe Bruno and Paolo Valcepina) piano duet. Ferrari's music appears on several cd recordings.

The Symphonic Poem "Anna Frank", written in 2014, is dedicated to the American organist Carson Cooman and includes six movements:

1) L'alloggio segreto (Preludio)
2) Il diario (Trio)
3) La chiesa sul canale (Carillon)
4) Anna e Peter (Passacaglia)
5) Il vuoto (Toccata e Fuga)
6) Il silenzio (Corale)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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