This is the third upload of recordings of music I played while trying out Augustine's new sample set of the organ built by Aquincum in 1989 for the Church of the Holy Spirit in the western Hungarian town of Győr, which stands on the site of the ancient Roman settlement of Arrabona.
All three recordings with this sample set refer to music to the first lines of Psalm 31, as paraphrased in the Protestant chorale “In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr” and at the end of the Ambrosian hymn “Te Deum”: “In te Domine, speravi”.
After the choral fantasia “In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr” by Franz Tunder from the 17th century (, Klaus Huber's Invention for organ “In te domine speravi” from 1964 ( is followed here by another piece from the North German organ tradition of the Baroque: three versettas on the chorale “In dich hab ich gehofft, Herr” by Heinrich Scheidemann (1596–1663).
As in the previous uploads, I have added some artificial reverberation (HauptwerkReverb-Church01-ORTF-6.7m-LR3.8s). And as in the Tunder recording, instead of the original well-tempered tuning of the instrument from Győr, I use a 1/4-comma-meantone temperament, which seems to me more appropriate for the music of the early 17th century.