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User: FatherTodd

User Information

Hi! I'm very much an amateur organist. I can read music, but only play by ear. At most, I can read and play the treble clef. I'm glad to be a part of this community! I'm awed by the level of talent I hear from each of you!! Blessings!

Hardware profile

Operating system: Windows 10
Audio/MIDI interface:
Manual(s): Other
Pedalboard: Other
System: PC
RAM: 16 GB
Monitor(s): Touch TCD/TFT
Sample Set(s): Cavaillè-Coll, Saint Eucaire (1902)
Eisenbarth, Friesach (2000)
Notre Dame de Metz Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll
St. Anne's Moseley
St. Marienkirche Gottfried Silbermann
The Armley Schulze