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Widor - 10 Symphonies

Review in the Sydney Organ Journal

Editor Luc Dupuis has set about the enormous task of constructing an entirely new edition of the organ symphonies of Charles-Marie Widor. […]

Monsieur Dupuis's extended notes after Widor's own foreword are very well-considered and informative. He touches on a number of areas that are fundamentally important to understanding the performance not only of the music of Widor, but also French symphonic music more generally. […]

Dupuis also decided that he would deviate from the musicological premises in other updated editions which, although they had made revisions and corrections, had still left a very large number of errors, and perhaps due to the concept of the 'sacredness' of the editorial process had not actually corrected many of the other problems to do with hand distribution, incorrect accidentals, registrational inconsistencies and other assorted musical conundrums.

Dupuis's new edition presents as an extremely practical, thoroughly approachable one for performers: a veritable elongated organ performance practise lesson in print. In addition to producing a new edition of this invaluable repertoire (and although correcting a plethora of typographical errors in the scores), Dupuis has further wisely decided that any commentary or alternative readings should all be left after the end of each symphony in the manner of editor's notes, so as not to overburden the score. This has the pleasing effect of creating a level of freedom for the performer to decide which way to go in a valid informed manner whilst possessing an accurate un-encumbered surface to read from. The text typeset of this edition is extremely clear and the binding of the book is much more orientated towards a practical performer. It will be durable and pages will not crack. […]

I can highly recommend this new edition of Widor's organ symphonies. Dupuis lends the performer clarity, and a reimagining of Widor's true authentic style that has perhaps been lacking in some earlier editions that merely sought to reprint pre-existing often inaccurate material without taking the brave step into constructive and purposeful revision.

Kurt Ison in Sydney Organ Journal
Full text:
by ludu
Oct 21, 2023 09:55 AM

Replies (1)

RE: Widor - 10 Symphonies

Another Review

[…] The editions are well presented on good quality paper with clear and easy-to-read fonts, and registration indications are equally clear. The notes in these editions are informative and helpful, and where changes have been made it is for good reasons. […] The edition clearly shows respect for Widor's teaching of phrasing and legato, a style which the composer learned from his teacher Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens. […] This is an impressive and well-researched edition conceived with the player in mind and one which should be seriously considered by those wishing to play the composer.

Malcolm Archer in Organists’ Review, March 2024
by ludu
Mar 19, 2024 06:48 AM

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