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Finale on "Hyfrydol"

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (06/05/13)
Composer: West, Jason Kent
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
A few days ago, I posted Jason West's fine "Fantasie Flourish", and it met with an excellent response!

So, here is another one from the pen/finger's, feet, and brain, of our very own, DCOrganist!

Jason has an interesting and varied background. A graduate of Westminster Choir College, he lived and worked in England for some time and has dual citizenship.

In addition, he was assistant to Frederick Swann at the Crystal Cathedral! Quite impressive, yes?!?

Anyway, when I played through "Finale on 'Hyrydol'" the first time, I said, "Oh, man! This sounds just like music for some pageant processional out at the old Crystal Cathedral!!!"

Not my "style"...

But, after I'd played it a few times, I loved it!

I told Jason that I have slighty "Englished it up" here and there, with an appearance from our friend Tuber, in both "melodic" and "chordal" passages.

At the end, our other friend, Mr. 32 Reed just popped on automatically, so, I let him thunder away on LOW C!

Well, that's what friends are for!!! :-)

Anyway, enough of all this talk! I KNOW you'll like this!

Here is the "glissando version" which was "requested" and "authorized":
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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