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From Choral works for Organ # 2 in D

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Uploaded by: EdoL (09/01/14)
Composer: Grieg, Edvard
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Omer, Cavaillé-Coll 1855
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843 – 1907) was a Norwegian composer and pianist. He is widely considered one of the leading Romantic era composers, and his music is part of the standard classical repertoire worldwide.

Grieg enrolled in the conservatory, concentrating on the piano, and enjoyed the many concerts and recitals given in Leipzig. He disliked the discipline of the conservatory course of study. An exception was the organ, which was mandatory for piano students.

He published only a few organ works.
The main focus of his output is for the piano and the orchestra.

This is one of the two I could find.
It is a fine example of his polished and original romantic style.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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