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Kakariko Village

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Uploaded by: woody-mc (02/12/15)
Composer: * My Own Transcription
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: 2012 Kamiński, St. Anne's, Długa Kościelna
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Video Game Music (VGM)
When mentioning organ music, most non-organists think of a dark, rusty and clerical mystery, right? Wrong!

There's plenty of video game music (often called "VGM" or "BGM" for "background music") out there that IMO perfectly fits the organ and deserves a transcription. Nowadays, a lot of VGM is completely orchestrated and not the 8-bit beep stuff anymore.

In this little series, I'd like to introduce the genre to those who're interested, and I hope that you have fun with it.

On May 1st 2015, I played a complete Zelda medley of about 35 minutes on the grand new IV+P Schuke organ (117 ranks, 92 stops -- see the YT video for a link to further details) at the Magdeburg cathedral. (What an extraordinary event for a newbie like me...!) The YT recording at (the one linked on the upper left) contains the same title, but played in a different mood.

Game: The Legend of Zelda (various episodes)
Publisher: Nintendo
Composer: Koji Kondo
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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