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The highest and the holiest place

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (02/24/15)
Composer: Jackson, Thomas
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
This is my 7th entry in the Lenten-Hymn-of-the-Day project, although I will "deviate" a bit today, as it is the day that we commemorate St. Matthias (No relation to William Mathias!). Matthias is the apostle chosen to "replace" Judas.

The text, written by Henry Alford (1810-1871), speaks not only of Mathias, but also of the "dangerous" state of the Church - modern and ancient.

The tune is named, "Jackson" after it's composer, Thomas Jackson (1715-1781) of Exeter. It's a very "upbeat, 18th-century-style" tune, that would be very popular with the growing "evangelical" churches.

One FULL verse for the Intro.

The highest and the holiest place
Guards not the heart from sin;
The Church that safest seems without
May harbour foes within.

Within that small and chosen band
Beloved above the rest,
One fell from his apostleship,
A traitor soul unblest.

But ne'er the great designs of God
Man's sin shall overthrow;
A better witness to the truth
Forth to the lands shall go.

Matthias was the chosen one -
God's purpose cannot fail -
The word of grace no less shall sound,
The truth no less prevail.

Righteous, O Lord, are all thy ways:
Long as the worlds endure,
From foes without and foes within
Preserve thy Church secure.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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