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Suite V (Air & 5 Variations) «Harmonious Blacksmith» - HWV 430

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Uploaded by: sanden (05/09/15)
Composer: Händel, G.F.
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
G. F. Haendel (1685-1759)
from "Suites de Pieces pour le Clavecin" - London, 1720 - Suite V (Air & 5 Variations)
«Harmonious Blacksmith» - HWV 430

After hearing about CH dear friend Pietro execute pages harpsichord, played on an organ, I want to give my contribution with these beautiful pages written by Handel for the instrument ancestor of the piano.
I am only allowed to add, which I considered good, notes to the pedal, doubling or replacing the lower line of the left hand.

Happy listening.

The score is available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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