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Präludium und Fuge, g moll, BWV 558

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (05/18/15)
Composer: Bach, J.S. (doubtfull)
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1687 Arp Schnitger, Steinkirchen, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Inspired by EdoL's post of two of the eight little preludes, I decided to have a go at the g minor one. It used to be one of my favorites, but I hadn't heard it in some 30 years.

HW Principal 8'
BW Krumphorn 8'
Ped: Principal 16', Octav 8', Octav 4'

HW Principal 8', Octav 4'
Ped: Principal 16', Octav 8', Octav 4'

Only at the end of the fugue. where the fugue enters the tonal reach of c minor, I noticed the temperament was Quarter Meantone. It's a bit harsh on the ears, but I decided not to redo the recording. In this temperament the cadenza in bar 35 really is a relieve of tension. I thought it nice to have something of a new experience in notes so well known.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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