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Prelude on "Quem pastores"

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Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk (09/25/15)
Composer: Gibbs, Allen Orton
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
The organ will be named when it is released...

Recorded using 6 channels
Direct/diffuse setting 96, rear 64

Allen Orton Gibbs (1910-1996) was born and educated in Alabama and active in both the Pittsburgh, PA and Birmingham, AL areas for many years a church musician and composer. She wrote many commissioned choral anthems and a number of organ compositions that were collected and published in 2008 in a "Complete Organ Music" volume by Zimbel Press (dist. Subito Music).
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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