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"Moonlight on the Hills"

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Uploaded by: ESchoen (11/07/15)
Composer: Christopher Tambling (1964 - 2015)
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Yesterday I was very sad, when I read that Christopher Tambling died on 03/10/2015.

I like his music very much. I played several of his pieces in church and concert.
This wonderful little piece "Moonlight on the Hills" shows this gently style of composition. It's one of my most loved pieces by him.
This piece is in the collection "Very Brithish" published by Butz-Verlag Nr. 2550

Last year I posted his "Fanfare of St.Gregory"
and here is an upload of the "Festival Fanfare" recorded by Camber:

Thanks, Christopher Tambling, for all your fine music - RIP
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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