The great festival of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, begins tomorrow (Sunday, Dec. 6th) at sundown.
In keeping with the spirit, here is a fun medley of three traditional songs for the holiday. I've given the translations below.
In the piece, you'll hear four items - the first is "Sevivon, sov, sov, sov!" (about the spinning top, "Hanukkah, Hanukkah" (which deals more with spinning tops and the miracle of the holiday - it also sounds a lot like, "This old man"), a brief fanfare on the traditional 19th century Ashkenazic melody for "Maoz tsur" (Rock of ages), and finally, the "2 sectioned" "Mi yimaliel" (Who can retell the things".
All of these, with the exception of the "Maoz tsur" are very light-hearted little tunes, while "Rock of ages" is substantial, and a fabulous melody.
Here is a link to last year's version, given the FULL English cathedral treatment:
Speaking of things English, I couldn't help but throw in a VERY brief gesture at something as British as can be. It's only a few notes, but I wonder if anyone will catch it.
Tomorrow, I will upload a piece by the composer, Ernest Bloch, based upon the "Maoz tsur" melody.
I wish everyone, Jewish or not, a happy and blessed Hanukkah!
Sevivon, sov, sov, sov!
Spinning top, spin, spin, spin,
Chanukah is a great holiday.
A Happy Holiday for everyone,
A great miracle happened there,
A Happy Holiday for everyone.
Hanukkah, Hannukkah
Hanukkah is a great holiday,
Surrounded with lovely light,
Fun for little children,
Dreidel, spin, spin, spin.
How wonderful!
Mi yimaliel
Who can retell the things that befell us?
Who can count them?
In every age a hero or sage came to our aid!
Hark! In days of yore, in Israel's ancient land,
Brave Maccabeus led the faithful band,
But all Israel must as one arise,
Redeem itself thru deed and sacrifice.