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Missa brevis (Orgelmesse) (2011)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (01/09/16)
Composer: Flamme, Friedhelm
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: St. Peter und Paul Weissenau
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Friedhelm Flamme (b. 1963) — Missa brevis (Orgelmesse) (2011) for organ

1) Kyrie
2) Gloria
3) Sanctus
4) Agnus Dei
5) Dona nobis pacem

German musician Friedhelm Flamme (b. 1963) was educated at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold and at the Universität/Gesamthochschule in Paderborn. His teachers include Gerhard Weinberger, Alexander Wagner, Renate Zimmerman, Guy Bovet, Ewald Kooiman, Jon Laukvik, Thierry Mechler, Josef Mertin, Harald Vogel, Herbert Wulf, and Wolfgang Zehrer. As a musicologist, his thesis work was on the compositions of the Austrian jazz pianist and composer Freidrich Gulda. Flamme has held a number of church and university positions, including at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold. As an organist, Flamme has toured worldwide and recorded a large number of CDs for the “cpo” label, including a very highly-regarded series of recordings devoted to the music of North German baroque composers. His varied discography includes works of a number of other composers, including W. F. Bach, Dupré, Duruflé, and Langgard. As a composer, his output includes several solo organ and choral works as well as arrangements for brass and organ.

Published by Strube Verlag
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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