The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down Uploaded by: LouPloch Composer: Cliff Friend & Dave Franklin Organ: Redford Barton 3/12 Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 111
Sentimental Journey Uploaded by: emp313 Composer: Les Brown, Ben Homer Organ: Redford Barton 3/12 Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 471
Telephone Line ELO Uploaded by: LouPloch Composer: Jeff Lynne Organ: Redford Barton 3/12 Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 65
The TV version of the song was presented with re-worked lyrics at the beginning and end of the show to add comedy but the musical composition remained sequentially the same. Throughout the years, the song has become a very recognized Muppets identity song. I think this ones good for the kids.