"Homage to Orvieto" is a suite (2016) dedicated to the historical town of Orvieto.
Orvieto is a city and comune in the Province of Terni, southwestern Umbria, Italy situated on the flat summit of a large butte of volcanic tuff. The site of the city is among the most dramatic in Europe, rising above the almost-vertical faces of tuff cliffs that are completed by defensive walls built of the same stone called Tufa.
The city is full of masterpieces from Medieval time as the magnificent Cathedral painted in facade (inside with frescos by Fra Angelico and Luca Signorelli), Palazzo del Popolo, church of San Giovenale, the pit of San Patrizio, Church/Museum of St. Agostino (with the statues of Francesco Mochi), the Papal residence, etc...
Second piece, Ricercare Cromatico, describes the magnificence and grandeur of the "Orvieto Cathedral".