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Glory Be to Jesus

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Uploaded by: kenhager (02/27/16)
Composer: Filitz, Friedrich
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: St. Anne's Moseley
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Tune: Wem In Leidenstagen, Friedrich Filitz, 1804-1876; setting: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941
Text: Italian, c. 18th cent.; tr. Edward Caswall, 1814-1878, alt.
Hymnal: Lutheran Service Book, 2006, #433

Glory be to Jesus,
Who in bitter pains
Poured for me the life-blood
From His sacred veins.

Grace and life eternal
In that blood I find;
Blest be His compassion,
Infinitely kind.

Blest through endless ages
Be the precious stream
Which from endless torment
Did the world redeem.

Abel's blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies;
But the blood of Jesus
For our pardon cries.

Oft as earth exulting
Wafts it's praise on high,
Angel hosts rejoicing
Make their glad reply.

Lift we, then, our voices,
Swell the mighty flood;
Louder still and louder
Praise the precious blood.

I wanted to return to St. Anne partially for the sake of variety, but also because I think the overall sound of this organ is more fitting for this hymn. With the limitations of the free edition combined with an old and small single core tower preventing me from using too many stops for full organ (or close thereto) lest I drive the cpu into distortion, the effect I like to achieve on the last verse is not possible, as the opening of the swell box is virtually undistinguishable. I did the best I could using pistons programmed into the stepper. I hope you enjoy. MIDI file included.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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