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Toccata No. 16 (2016)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (03/02/16)
Composer: Åberg, Thomas
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Laurenskerk - Transept Organ - 1959 Marcussen & Son
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Thomas Åberg (b. 1952) — Toccata No. 16 (2016) for organ

The 16th toccata (2016) is dedicated to Carson Cooman. It is based on musical material from Åberg's melodrama "Weisflog's Dog."

Thomas Åberg (b. 1952) was born in Stockholm, Sweden and works there as composer, concert organist, and music administrator. Most of his works are written for the organ and are characterized by their rhythmic joy, simplicity, and humor. He has stated that "music must bring enjoyment, without abandoning reverence," and as such his style often uses the most basic of musical materials to create a discourse that is both spiritual and visceral. His music has been performed by organists at festivals throughout Europe, Asia, and the USA. He also tours regularly worldwide as concert organist with his own works.

Published by Svensk Musik (SMIC) (
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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