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Buoy Marker Carillon/ Harbor Hymn - Day 8

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Uploaded by: AMLaMort (04/30/16)
Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort
Sample Set: PLP Riddagshausen with Synthesizer and "found audio"
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
This and the following pieces are from the Waterways series. I am currently plying my way south (New York to Florida) aboard a 33' Sailboat. Onboard I have an M-Audio controller, My MacBook and some very basic recording equipment. My intention is to "document" the trip in images, video and music. The final mixing and processing of audio and joining to video will have to wait until I return to the studio, but these are the rough drafts.
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This piece is a "tribute" to an amazing marker buoy in the NY Harbor that has several signal bells. As the buoy is rocked by wind and water, the effect is very much like a carillon (to my ears) - the hymn part is a testimony to the juxtaposition of occasional peace and absolute busyness of the harbor.

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At some point, I'll repost the "cleaned up" versions with video - that's at least a month away. I'll post new "drafts" as internet service becomes available!

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Yes, I know this is not to everyone's ... or even most people's tastes!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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