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Laozi and Christ meet while rowing on the Hudson and decide they agree - day 24

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Uploaded by: AMLaMort (05/07/16)
Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort
Sample Set: MDA Mt. Carmel E.M. Skinner with Synthesizer and "found audio"
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
From the Waterways series:

Because I am often curious about those who ply along the coasts, stopping at anchorages for days and weeks at a time – many of them men younger by a decade or more than myself, (are the independently wealthy or spending down old family money, or like me – a frugal dreamers who have arranged their lives to be fluid…) I rowed over to the J boat that had been anchored before I arrived and asked its skipper where he was from and where he was headed. We talked for a little while and I found out he was from Maine and would eventually head back there. It was later, while rowing my dinghy that I came upon the same young man rowing his tender, that we got into another discussion, first while sitting in our respective dinghies and then in the cockpit of Artful Dodger. It turns out we had a lot in common – both classically trained musicians – he a singer (his father, it turned out, an organist) now turned song writer. He went on describe his philosophy of music, primarily informed by his chosen religion, Taoism. As he spoke, I realized how very similar his musical and life philosophies were to mine, though mine are (when at their best) informed by the teachings of Christ. And so we determined (centuries not withstanding) that Jesus was a Taoist or Laozi was in fact a Christian and that we had so much to agree on.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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