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Joseph Smith's First Prayer

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Uploaded by: BaroqueDMX (05/25/16)
Composer: Sylvanus Billings Pond; adapted by A. C. Smyth
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: St. Peter und Paul Weissenau
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Hymn No. 26 from the LDS Hymnal. I often refer to this as, "Oh How Beautiful was the Morning!" since that's the opening line of the first of four verses:

Oh, how lovely was the morning!
Radiant beamed the sun above.
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing,
Music ringing thru the grove,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love,
When within the shady woodland
Joseph sought the God of love.

Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing -
'Twas the boy's first uttered prayer -
When the pow'rs of sin assailing
Filled his soul with deep despair;
But undaunted, still he trusted in
In his Heav'nly Father's care,
But undaunted, still he trusted in
In his Heav'nly Father's care.

Suddenly a light descended,
Brighter far than noon-day sun,
And a shining glorious pillar
O'er him fell, around him shone,
While appeared two heavenly beings,
God the Father and the Son,
While appeared two heavenly beings,
God the Father and the Son.

"Joseph, this is my Beloved;
Hear him!" O, how sweet the word!
Joseph's humble prayer was answered,
And he listened to the Lord.
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God;
Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
For he saw the living God.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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