Track #09 of my CD compilation of improvised pieces for pipe organ, which is loosely based on the "Interstellar" original soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.
After I published the first three pieces on ContreBombarde and reimprovised them at the Magdeburg Cathedral organ, there were ideas for some more tracks to fill a complete CD compilation.
The full playlist of "The Interstellar Experiment" can be found here:
This piece was inspired by Anthony Mark LaMort's "audio sailing diary", where he integrated some ambient sounds into his pieces in a very artistic manner: During a thunderstorm some days ago, the heavy rain falling on the rooftop and the rolling thunder led me to play something that could fit the monotonous and contemplative mood as well as the twilight in my room.
It needed a bit of sound engineering to not just merge the two separate recordings of the organ and the thunderstorm in a fitting style, but also to create an 8-channel surround impression out of the stereo thunderstorm recording... I definitely recommend to listen to the 7.1 surround version if possible in order to get the intended impression.
For those who own a 7.1 surround system, an 8-channel FLAC file can be picked up here to get an impression of what it will sound like in my living room:
- URL:
- Player: Current versions of Media Player Classic are able to properly play multi-channel FLAC files.