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Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (09/29/16)
Composer: Smart, Henry
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Today, September 29th, is the feast of St. Michael and All Angels. It is the day when the Church commemorates the "big four" amongst the angelic host - Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel.

Michael, is the chief and "head angel." He is the only one named as an "archangel" in some traditions, although Raphael is also called that at times. Gabriel is no stranger to us, as it was he who visited the Virgin Mary in Nazareth. Uriel is the one that is most frequently "omitted" and "shortchanged." He is the patron of the sacrament of Confirmation, and carries the Sword of Truth for Soldiers of Christ, which we become through this sacrament. In Milton's, "Paradise Lost," Uriel is called the "Regent of the Sun" and takes part in the fall of man. According to Milton's tale, Satan is able to trick Uriel into giving him directions down to earth, so perhaps this is why Uriel gets the bad rap!

Uriel was also the angel who checked the doorways in Egypt at the first Passover, making sure that death "passed over" the Hebrew doorways that were marked with lamb's blood.

The hymn, "Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright," presents us with the "high angels" (except Uriel), telling us something about their attributes, and the grand scenes in the heavenly temple.

The tune, "Trisagion" was composed by Henry Smart (1813-1879). He held several important church positions, and was highly regarded as an organist and composer, but, except for a few hymn-tunes, he has largely disappeared from modern usage. He wrote a number of truly brilliant and virtuosic organ works.

The text is a translation of a Greek hymn, done by the Anglican priest, John Mason Neale (1818-1866). Neale was a famous high-churchman, and left us many splendid and magnificent original texts and translations.

The full text of the hymn is given in the first comment.

The score is attached below, as well as a few photos of Smart, Neale, and a painting of St. Michael the Archangel.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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