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Air (No. 6 from "Suite in ouden Stijl")

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Uploaded by: ESchoen (11/09/16)
Composer: Cornelis Johan Bute (1889 - 1979)
Sample Set: SP - Zutphen Walburgiskerk
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: old style
Cornelis Johan Bute (1889 - 1979) was blind from birth. He was organist at the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen. So we listen to his nice composition on his own organ :-)

The complete suite has 7 parts:

1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabende
5. Gavotte I & II
6. Air
7. Gigue

The Score:
OYZ Publications Intermational b.v. Huizen No. 5328
G.Alsbach & Co. Amsterdam

Please enjoy it!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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