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Phantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"

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Uploaded by: AMattes (12/22/16)
Composer: Reger, Max
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Glad to share this masterpiece in the last days of advent and especially in the last days of the "Reger-Jahr" 2017!

I think, it's interesting to know, that i only used the Walcker-Stops, AND Superoctave 1, Waldfloete 2, Posaunenbass 32 by Eule. The other stops doesnt suit in my opinion with the walcker sound.

Also it's interesting to know, that, with this organ, it is possible to use the couplers in the way, reger wrote in the score, especially, in the crescendo!

There is a letter, Karl Straube wrote to Hans Klotz:
„Die Einleitung zu ‚Wachet auf’ bezeichnete Max Reger als den ‚Kirchhof’ und die Choralmelodie ist die Stimme eines Engels, die Toten werden allmählich erweckt; Dis-E-Dis [Takte 18 ff.] im Pedal deutet symbolisch, wie sie sich in den Gräbern rühren. So hat mir mein Freund sein künstlerisches Wollen gedeutet.“
("Max Reger's introduction to 'Wachet auf" he called it "cemetery" and the choral melody is the voice of an angel, the dead are gradually awakened, In the graves (Dis-E-Dis is the moving in the graves). So my friend interpreted his artistic will. "
The "angels voice" i played with Harmonica 8 and Fugara 4. There are not so much organs where you can here such an sound...

Merry Christmas to all!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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