"Gothic Dances" (Danze Gotiche) was written by Marco Lo Muscio on January 2017.
The suite of six dances is conceived for an ancient organ but is possible to play the whole suite also on a modern organ.
Each old danse uses Medieval/Gothic harmonies taking inspiration from a painting, architecthure or a characters from Middle Ages.
I. Contraddanza - “The Knights of Piero della Francesca”
II. Estampie - “Homage to Charlemagne"
III. Pavana - “Hunters in the snow" by Pieter Bruegel
IV. Tourdion - “Dance Macabre" by Bernt Nokte in Tallinn
V. Saltarello - “Peasant wedding" by Pieter Bruegel
VI. Canzona Gotica “The Cathedral of San Biagio in Montepulciano”