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New Edition: Sammlung einiger variirender Choräle

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (10/05/17)
Composer: Kehl, Johann Balthasar
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: The Armley Schulze
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Johann Balthasar Kehl (1725 – 1778) was a German organist, cellist and composer. Kehl’s claim to fame are the chorale preludes he published during his time in Erlangen, in four different volumes (Erste bis Vierte Sammlung einiger variierender Choräle, 1764). Each of those volumes contains 14 chorale preludes, preceded by a Präludium. Kehl’s preludes are relatively simple, with no or a modest pedal part. Striking in Kehl’s chorale preludes is the great variety in texture, tempo, style and atmosphere. The pieces of this collection are ideally suited for smaller organs and for use in organ playing education.

I made a new recording of my favorite piece of the collection "So gehst du dan mein Jesu hin" on the demo of the Armley Schulze

Edition available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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