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Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ (variationen)

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (11/16/17)
Composer: Böhm, Georg
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Mascioni, Azzio (2016)
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Georg Böhm wrote two pieces based on this Christmas hymn: a choral prelude (publisehd a year ago: and this set of variations. After the choral follows a series of 5 variations. They build up from relatively easy flowing 3-part writing in the first variation to dense virtuosic 4-part writing in the last variation. A nice piece to use on CHristmas day. And a nice piece to show of different colors of an organ.

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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