Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen Uploaded by: marcothart Composer: Johann Nikolaus Hanff (1663–1711) Organ: Zwolle, St. Michael Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 171
Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen Uploaded by: adri Composer: Johann Nikolaus Hanff (1665-1711) Organ: Groningen, St. Martini Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 109
Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen Uploaded by: yolar Composer: Sorge, Georg Andreas Organ: Weigle organ evang. Stadtkirche Nagold Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 195
Trumpet Tune in the Lydian Mode Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: Groden, Fenton Organ: Laurenskerk - Transept Organ - 1959 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 149
O Jesu, meine Wonne (4 Versus) Uploaded by: swiberg Composer: Walther, Johann Gottfried Organ: Laurenskerk - Transept Organ - 1959 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 52
Sorge's prelude to "Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen" is again proof of the notion that Sorge was inspired by the tonality of g minor. The piece has a relatively lengthy 3 part introduction before the choral melody enters. For the largest part of the rest of the piece the accompaniment reverts to two parts. Having done now six of the preludes from this manuscript I think it save to call the pieces contained in it "Choral Trios".