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Op 154 No 1. (Introitus)

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (02/20/18)
Composer: Karg-Elert, Sigfrid
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Aquincum Organ, Savaria
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Sigfrid Karg-Elert (born Oberndorf am Neckar, 21 Nov 1877; died Leipzig, 9 April 1933)

A Cycle of Eight Short Pieces for Organ Opus 154 1934
Dedicated to my dear daughter Kitty
This is the first one, Introitus.
The eight are to be played without a break.
1. Introitus
2. Gagliarda
3. Melodia monastica
4. Aria semplice
5. Appassionata
6. Canzona solenne
7. Toccatina
8. Corale
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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