Anna Gerotheou Gallos (1920–2015) — Byzantine Mosaics on the First Plagal Mode (1971) for organ
Anna Gerotheou Gallos (1920–2015) was an American composer and musician whose career was dedicated to the Greek Orthodox Church in the USA. The daughter of an Orthodox priest, Gallos studied music at Boston University and later earned two degrees from the Eastman School of Music. Her mentors in composition included Wayne Barlow, Donald F. White, and Daniel Pinkham. Gallos was one of a group of American Orthodox musicians who sought to return the church in the USA to its musical routes by bringing back an active use of traditional Byzantine chant, especially in new arrangements and compositions. As the wife of an Orthodox priest, Gallos served alongside him as the musician in Orthodox congregations in a number of cities, including New Britain (Connecticut), Rochester (New York), Annapolis (Maryland), Spartanburg (South Carolina), St. Augustine (Florida), and Baltimore (Maryland). She wrote and published numerous works inspired by chants and for use in the liturgies of the Orthodox church.
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