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Variations on a Norwegian folktune

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Uploaded by: luxetorigo (04/25/18)
Composer: Sløgedal, Bjarne
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Original complete title is
Vatiations on the Norwegian folktune "O how Glory shall it be for the Children of God"

This piece is very suitable to explore the wide dinamic range of Rotterdam main organ SP sample. I enjoied especially the final bars with chamade, that close the piece after over 4 minutes of very soft and particular registration.

I wish you too can enjoy like me: please comment to share your very appreciated opinions!

I. Koral (Choral) 00:00''
Bov. Praestant 8 (repetition on V. di Gamba 8)

II. Song (Song) 00:42''
Rug. Kromhoorn 8 - Roerfluit 4 - Sesquialter
Bov. Roerfluit 8 - V. di gamba 8 - V- di gamba Zw 8 - Roerquint 2 2/3 - Nachthoorn 8

III. Fløyteljod (Sound of the Flute) 01:24''
Hoof. Spitsfluit 4 (octave low)
Rug. Roerfluit 4 (octave low)
Bov. V. di Gamba 8

IV. Langeleik (National Norwegian Instrument) 02:39''
Ped. Trompet 4 - Koppelfluit 4 - Nachthoorn 2
Rug. Holpijp 8 - Sifflet 1 1/3

V. Frygdesong (Song of Joy) 03:39''
Hoof. Praestant 16 - Octaaf 8-4-2 - Ruisijp - Mixtuur - Scherp - Trompet 8
Bov. Praestant 8 - Octaaf 4 - Mixtuur - Cymbel - Bombarde 16 - Trompette 8
Ped. Full (except 32') - Bov/Ped. - Orlos 8 - Clarin fuerte 4

In the last bars added
Tromp. brill. 8 (chamade) to Hoof. and Bov./Hoof.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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