Prelude on Psalm 52 Uploaded by: yolar Composer: Hofwegen, Chiel Jan van Organ: Weigle organ evang. Stadtkirche Nagold Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 46
Psalm 14 Uploaded by: wimbomhof Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Van Deventer 1756, Nijkerk Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 40
Lesson 1: The Bourdon Uploaded by: FredM Composer: Verpeaux, Jean-Paul Organ: Stahlhuth/Jann - Dudelange Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 63
Here is the version of Psalm 142 from the book of Marco den Toom. Compare with the version from Cor van Dijk. Marco is more modern and less traditional. Listen to the harmonisation of the choral