First demos of the (almost) completed sampleset of the Furtwängler and Hammer organ (1892) in the Kaiserdom in Königslutter. I am posting these in two variants: Front channels only and Rear channels only. The rear channels are actually recorded from down in the nave right where you sit when you listen to the organ, only that in reality you have the organ in your back. The front channels are recorded high up at a distance of about 10m from the prospect pipes to capture more of the direct sound. They do however capture the room as well.
The demos have been recorded with HW set to "Original Organ Pitch" and it reflects the tuning of the organ as it was at the time of the recordings. It was actually tuned very well as the recordings have been done during the annual summer concert series. Due to the summer temperatures the organ pitch was however at about a1=449 Hz and I tuned everything down to get a1=440 Hz. (Actually the real organ is tuned to 443 Hz).
The Bach toccata is one of my favorite ones and in my view a good test to show the handling of short note releases. It also is excellent to demonstrate the totally different sound from the Front and Rear channels. The Liszt piece, the final chorale "Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan" from his variations on "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen", showcases the dynamic range of the set.