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Pastorale n. 3 op. 109

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Uploaded by: alberto63 (12/19/18)
Composer: Leonello Capodaglio
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Peter, Ménestérol
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
Italian composer Leonello Capodaglio (b. 1945) studied in Venice with Gino Gorini, Gian Francesco Malipiero, Ugo Amendola, Franco Ferrara, and Egida Giordani Satori. He has been active as composer, pianist, harpsichordist, and orchestral conductor. Capodaglio has served as conductor of the Orchestra Filarmonica Veneta and was director of the Music Conservatory in Adria. His more than 300 compositions have been published and performed around the world. His output as a composer includes three operas; three oratorios; and numerous orchestral, chamber, and solo works. As a musicologist, Capodaglio is a specialist in the music of Antonio Vivaldi, and he has also published six volumes of poetry and prose.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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