Grande Piece Symphonique Uploaded by: jcfelice88keys Composer: Franck, César Organ: Palace of Arts Budapest (Extended) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 1489
Grand Choeur Uploaded by: wolfram_syre Composer: Capocci, Filippo Organ: Notre Dame de Metz Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 119
Ave Maria, JKB 4 Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Baruk, Jason Organ: St. Peter and Paul’s Große Neo-Classical Composite Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 85
Große Fantasie en Ut Majeur Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Baruk, Jason Organ: St. Peter and Paul’s Große Neo-Classical Composite Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 61
Magnificat, JKB 24 Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Baruk, Jason Organ: St. Peter and Paul’s Große Neo-Classical Composite Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 88
Grand Introduction in C Minor, K 546 Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Organ: St. Peter and Paul’s Große Neo-Classical Composite Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 162
V/137+P - Dedicated to Saint Peter and Paul the Apostles - A Neo-Classical/French Romantic Symphonic Composite
This Composite is based on the Neo-Classical Organ as well as the French Symphonic, and is a my hypothetical (Dream) organ of the Vatican, since the present situation is quite deplorable for a Basilica of such dignity. This is an organ that has the ability to be used for most of the organ repertoire, with its large number of ranks, and neo-classical style, as well as an attraction for those with a love of the acoustics and reverb of a large space.