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Psalm 118

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Uploaded by: FredM (08/17/19)
Composer: Cor van Dijk, (plus choral Marco den Toom)
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Stahlhuth/Jann - Dudelange
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Here is (on request of two CCH members plus what came to my heart) psalm 118, what I played today on my Dudelange organ. Now I played it from the psalm book of Cor van Dijk plus added interlude of Simon Landsman and choral of Marco den Toom. Yesterday I got in in my mind/brain to play this psalm:
I will add the text of the Psalm in the first comment since it is to long in the description. After throughly reading throufh the text of this psalm it became clear why I had to play this.

Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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