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Op 65 No 44 Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (09/03/19)
Composer: Karg-Elert, Sigfrid
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Aquincum Organ, Savaria
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Op 65 No 44.

Another addition to my Op 65 collection this time using the Savaria sample from Augustine.

Opus 65, 66 organ pieces composed between 1906 and 1908. They were first published in 1909 and dedicated to Alexandre Guilmant. Op 65 includes the well known Nun danket alle Gott.

More info on Karg-Elert here;

Here's a quote from the above link;
"It is not too much to say that the present revival of interest in the Chorale Prelude in England is largely due to the impression made on English organists by his 'Sixty-six Chorale Improvisations,' Op 65 which appeared in 1909. They show a variety of treatment, an intimacy of expression, and a wealth of harmonic and contrapuntal resource that make the collection the nearest approach, and a worthy successor, to J.S. Bach's labours in the same field. There appears to be no method of treatment used by Bach that Karg-Elert does not also employ, plus some devices of his own, e.g. an ingenious use of dance measures as rhythmical bases. But whatever the chosen form may be, the music is intensely alive and expressive."

Music here;

His favourite instrument to compose for was the Kunstharmonium, a versatile French creation that allowed him the range of colors he preferred. From 1924 he gave weekly radio harmonium recitals from his house. To hear Karg-Elert's creativity and the flexibility and range of colours offered by the Kunstharmonium go here'
The disc is available to hear on Spotify - an astounding and new listening experience - don't miss it.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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