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Vier Leichte Trauerpräludien

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (10/06/19)
Composer: Führer, Robert Jan Nepomuk
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1904 Wilhelm Sauer, Dortmund, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Cassicism
Robert Führer (2 June 1807 – 28 November 1861), born Robert Jan Nepomuk Führer, was a Czech composer.

Four Easy Sorrowful Preludes
#01 F major
#02 D minor Moderato
#03 Eflat major Largo
#04 C minor Andante

Born in Prague, he became the Director of Music at St. Vitus Cathedral at the age of 32. Despite his considerable artistic gifts, he lived beyond his means. In 1845 he was dismissed.

Without a church to call home he wandered through several different towns and villages, but never stayed in any one place for too long. During this period he had to support himself from sales of his church music compositions. Luckily this was successful because his music was well loved.

No other composer's works enjoyed as widespread performance amongst the choirs in South Germany and Austria during the second half of the 19th century.

Music from Leichte Orgelwerke
Edited by Andreas Willscher
Available from Stretta Music.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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