Listening to Auke's recording of this Praeludium Pedaliter and reading the many comments was quite an interesting experience.
There is always a lot to enjoy if opinions differ.
One of the remarks was, that it should be played on an organ which had been tuned in meantone to make it really shine.
Also the pedaliter part was much doubted by the commenters; as were the tempo, the registration etc. etc.
All in all quite entertaining.
Taking every suggestion to heart and looking through my organ list I found just the right thing.
The Brescia St. Carlo organ is quite old (around 1600), small, it has an independent pedal 16' stop which sounds inequal here and there and a very beautiful principale.
Unfortunately it is NOT in meantone temperament, as the original tuning was altered during restauration, but Hauptwerk can fix that.The recording IS in meantone.
The careful listener, who can guess WHICH one, can rely on my everlasting admiration.
So here it is again. As I'm wrestling with a difficult large future upload at the moment
this piece is a welcome diversion.
Auke's recording is here: