Two weeks ago I played this composition on the demo sample set of Groningen ( The demo sample set provides 10 of the 53 stops of the full sample set, so the choice for registering any piece is rather limited. I used the Octaaf 4 of the Bovenwerk, played one octave lower as the solo voice.
With the full sample set the possible combinations for a composition like this one are almost endless. So, which one to choose?
I finally settled on using the Prestant 8 of the Rugwerk as accompaniment, not as solo. The solo I play with a combination of the Holfluit 8, Nasat 3 and the Vox Humana of the Bovenwerk.
Without any restrictions, it should be possible to choose a combination that sounds better than on the demo sample set. Or is it? The octaaf 4 is actually quite good as solo stop. As is the combination in this performance.
One thing is for certain: I like my performance in this recording better than in the other. There is more ease in my playing and the timing is better.
Score available here: