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Scherzetto on "O Filii"
Uploaded by: giwro
Composer: Beaulieu, Edith Organ: Wangerin, Madison Masonic Center Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 647
Nessun dorma
Uploaded by: steverose
Composer: Puccini, Giacomo Organ: Wangerin, Madison Masonic Center Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 180
Uploaded by:
johnhoopes (04/22/20)
Joseph Barnby, 1838-1896
Sample Producer:
Sample Set:
Wangerin, Madison Masonic Center
Software: | Hauptwerk IV |
Genre: | Hymn |
Description: | Test of organ chimes with accompaniment. Recorded on currently free to download, Madison Masonic Center, Lodge 2, organ. The only stop I found soft enough for accompanying chimes, found on the swell, is the Dulciana on the great. As I learned, the room is carpeted and the organ sound is very dry, except the chimes have a lot of reverb (or whatever it is called for chimes). I don't yet have Hauptwerk V (tried but was unsuccessful installing it and Ilok), or any other way to add reverb to organ, but wondering what it would sound like with reverb--would the chimes be too reverby? Anyway, this is a fun little organ to experiment with. |
Performance: | Live |
Recorded in: | Stereo |
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