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Toccata in D minor from Op. 59

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Uploaded by: GeoffP (05/10/20)
Composer: Reger, Max
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: 1908 P. B. Voelkner, Szczecinek
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
I would like to start by thanking Piotr Grabowski for making this sample set available to all of us. For those of you not familiar with it, I think it is a very typical and characteristic German Romantic style organ. Although it only has 2 manuals it is not at all small, for example it includes eight 16' stops and sixteen 8' stops in total. The fact that it only has 2 manuals can be seen as a positive feature rather than a limitation in this style of organ - the fact that there are many stops on each division means that there are many gradations of dynamic which enables effective crescendo and decrescendo. The sample set comes with a pre-programmed Rollschweller (crescendo pedal). It has huge dynamic range, from the quietest of Aeolines to a very forceful tutti. It is also not too symphonic or orchestral, by that I mean it has strong choruses with sufficient upper work on each manual. Put all that together and I think you have an excellent Reger organ. Let me know how you think this works.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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