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Was mein Gott will das gescheh allzeit

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (07/03/20)
Composer: Kirchhoff, Gottfried
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Groningen, St. Martini
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
This choral prelude on the melody of "Was mein Gott will das g'scheh allzeit" is a straightforward piece. The introduction is a short fugato on the first line of the choral melody. Then follows the complete chorale melody as a solo voice, accompanies by rapid sixteenth notes in the left hand and a simple bass line for the feet. The second half of the introduction is then repeated to conclude the piece.

Not really a masterwork. Tricky to play though, with all those rapid notes for the left hand in a very open Trio like structure.

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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