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Praeambulum in d BWV 875a

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Uploaded by: yolar (07/13/20)
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Raszczyce
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Baroque
I like to play pieces on organ that were originally intended for harpsichord. Especially many Bach pieces for harpsichord work incredibly well on organ. And it is known that harpsichord works in the baroque era weren't strictly intended for harpsichord, but could also be played on other keyboard instruments.

Maarten 't Hart, a Dutch writer and Bach-lover, wrote in his latest Bach-biography that organists should play more of Bach's harpsichord works on organ. The only reason not to is that Bach already wrote so many great organ works.

I played this piece on the small neo-baroque Vermeulen organ, now stationed in Raszczyce. A sample set not many of us use. There are some very nice and clear stops on this organ, which work pretty well with this kind of repertoire.

You'll find the sheet music in the attachments.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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