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Be Still for the presence of the Lord

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Uploaded by: gooseh (07/14/20)
Composer: Evans, David
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Aquincum Organ, Savaria
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Here we have a modernish hymn (1986 same age as me!). This hymn has a story for me.

When I was young - 10/11 - I played rudimentary keyboard pieces. Someone in the village had a daughter not much older than me who died. The funeral was held at our church and this hymn became a comfort to the mother. She wasn't a Christian at the time but became one out the experience. It was my first experience that people die and (not just 'elderly') and I learned this beautiful piece - every time I played it thinking about the poor girl who had died but also thinking about the wonderful words of the hymn. It was emotional and made me question many things as a youngster. A few years later I was playing this piece on the organ just before a service and noticed the mother standing there watching. It was quite moving that evening, and even playing it now takes me back to when I first learned the piece (I can still picture young emotional me sitting on my bed with my portable keyboard!). I think it is one of the most beautifully written hymns ever, so simple yet powerful.

I have showcased some of the lovely sounds this organ can make:

Positiv - Bourdon, Salizional, Clarinette (one of the greatest combinations for a solo on this organ!)
Swell - Floete Harmonique, Vox coelestis, Violoktav
Great - Hohlfloete, Gamba, Rohrfloete cpl Swell.

Hope you enjoy.
John Hymn text can be found here
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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