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Praeambulum & Fuga primi toni RW 11-12

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Uploaded by: yolar (07/15/20)
Composer: Peyer, Johann Baptist
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Klapmeyer, Altenbruch, 1727–30
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
Another addition to the Peyer-project.

I've used the amazing Klapmeyer-organ, Altenbruch. I have the semi-dry version, so I've added some native reverb from Hauptwerk V. I've tried to add not too much of it, so that you still recognize the specific voicing of this amazing organ.

In the praeambulum I use the Kromhorn 8' and in the fugue I put the Sexquialtera II into the mixer.

You can find the sheet music in the attachments.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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