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Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

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Uploaded by: Berrylands (08/04/20)
Composer: Händel, G.F.
Sample Producer: Audio Angelorum
Sample Set: Peterborough Cathedral Hill
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Performed by organist Jason Edge on 2nd August 2020

This piece features at the start of the YouTube video.

Performed at the conclusion of the 12th service in our 'Choral Evensong at Home' series.

The order of service:

* Organ Voluntary - Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Symphony from 'Solomon' by Handel)
* Welcome
* Opening Hymn – Immortal, invisible, God only wise
* Sung Responses (Aston)
* Psalm 80 (Responsorial)
* Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 10: 1-13
* Magnificat – Evening Service in C (Frank Henry Shera)
* New Testament Reading: Acts 13: 1-13
* Nunc Dimittis – Evening Service in C (Frank Henry Shera)
* Creed and Sung Responses (Aston)
* Anthem – Lead me, O Lord (Andrew Gant)
* Prayers
* Closing Hymn – All my hope on God is founded
* Organ Voluntary - Paean (by Howells - begins at 43'48'' in the YouTube video)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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