Sonata K427 Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: Scarlatti, Domenico Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 56
Fuga supra Prelude Grafhorst Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 104
Here now a strict 3-part fugue, in the course of which a 4th part is added. The fugue is framed by a song movement. The romantic song "Es sei mein Herz und Blut geweiht", whose text was composed by Friedrich Schlegel in 1809 and whose melody is dated around 1818, forms the basis of this composition.
I play it back on the beautiful sample set of the "Melcer Chamber Music Hall". The organ has only a few stops, but it shines with a clear response - even fast runs can be played well.