Kleines Praeludium und Fuge in G-Dur Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Krebs JT ??, Krebs JL ??, Bach JS probably not Organ: 1766 Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 222
Ich dich hab gehoffet, Herr BWV640 Uploaded by: flat Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 48
Ein Schlosser und sein Gsell Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 47
Salamanderchor Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: Ingo Bredenbach Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 64
Wanderlied (Hiking Song) Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 76
It is October but in the capital of the Oktoberfest the "Wies'n" is cancelled ... Reason enough for me to donate a little consolation here ... it takes only one minute ....
Der Wirtin Töchterlein - a German folk song from the beginning of the 19th century. The lyrics of the song are by Ludwig Uhland .... but that doesn't matter "anyway" ... because we only hear the beautiful organ of the Melcer Chamber Music Hall, which goes surprisingly well with these Bavarian sounds ...